Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Woman's Perspective

View my video on discrimination at this link:


  1. I really appreciate, and agree with, your viewpoint. Our politically correct society misses the mark often, especially regarding gender roles and discrimination. If a woman is held back from being what she wants to be, then there is a problem, but if she doesn't want to be what society says she should be, she should be left alone.

  2. I agree. This is a tough question. On one hand I don't think there should be any discrimination laws, because they invariably discriminate against the majority for the sake of fulfilling a quota. On the other, as much as I want to trust others, I know there are people that will discriminate.

    The only thing I can say is do what you want to do, what you feel your mission in life is and don't let any person, entity or organization stop you. If anyone does discriminate, then we at least have the internet available to rally against the discriminator. I'm sure that would be a high profile topic.

  3. Wow that is a great argument and exactly what my wife was telling me when I did my post on Women in Computer Science. Thanks for posting it publicly.
