Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Detrimental Reverse Discrimination

Reverse discrimination is thought to be the solution for generations of repressed women. This is demeaning and harmful to both men and women. Men are told a woman less qualified than them has more rights than they do. Some women are in positions they can't possibly compete in, all for the sake of equality. When a less-qualified woman is given a position over a more-qualified man, that man is being discriminated against. In addition, the under-qualified woman feels lost, confused, and ultimately inadequate for the position. These feelings of self-doubt are exactly what reverse discrimination is trying to avoid. As a woman in the computer science field, I do not worry about discrimination. I have not faced discrimination. I do worry about those who would overestimate my abilities based on my gender. People who do so are destroying computer science and decimating the morale of computer scientists.


  1. Nice post. I will make it a point to keep an eye out for occurrences of discrimination or reverse discrimination.

  2. I have always found this to be an interesting dilemma: as people try to make more opportunities for the "discriminated", it often results in discriminating the other parties. I have seen this based on groups other than male/female. For example, when I first came to BYU I thought it was ridiculous that there were SO many scholarship engineered for minority students, but almost none at all for a normal white kid from a middle class family.

  3. It's very refreshing to hear a "minority" speak of discrimination of a majority. Usually you hear people complaining about others discriminating their group. Everybody feels discriminated. Women, African Americans, short people, bald people, homosexuals, even white men feel they are discriminated against.

  4. This is a great post. I totally agree, it's just plain unfair to women to be either discriminated or favored based on their gender—all anyone wants is to be treated fairly and receive what they deserve. I disagree with Travis on the scholarships, however—financial aid to minority groups (or for example Women specific CS scholarships) does not qualify as reverse discrimination.
