Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Age of Innovation

In the early 20th century, the radio was cutting edge technology.  Today, the radio is at the risk of extinction, threatened by the many websites that stream music for free.  The outmoding of the radio shows the insufficiency of having a single, new, marketable idea.  To survive in this age of innovation, a company must continuously have new, profitable ideas.  The company then has to market these ideas before someone else does.  The newest ideas may become outdated at any time.  Surviving the changing tides and currents in this technological world is a constant struggle.  Some inventions are footnotes, fads forgotten as quickly as they become popular.  Other inventions are building blocks, quickly reverse engineered and abstracted away into insignificance.  We are truly in the age of innovation.  Those who refuse to change will not survive.


  1. In an ideal world, more progress is made when people aren't afraid to their ideas will be stolen and used against them. Sadly, the rampant technological progress made as a direct result of war tells us that, in our fallen state, survival is the peak of incentive. This is technological Darwinism. I'm eager for times of welcome collaboration.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The article says internet radio kills FM radio like Netflix kills Blockbuster. However, this analogy is flawed: Netflix is more convenient. Internet radio is not a more convenient alternative to FM radio when driving in a car. Its the same convenience, minus it costs more. Internet radio is more of a Hollywood Video: a neighbor with different options.
